Jan 15, 2011

"Daisuki, Kumamoto!" (We Love Kumamoto the Best!)

Suzanne promotes her hometown of Kumamoto

KUMAMOTO (Kyodo) -- Popular TV personality Suzanne pledged Wednesday to work hard to invite more tourists to her home of Kumamoto Prefecture during an event in its capital prior to the completion of the Shinkansen bullet train line further into the western Japan region of Kyushu next year.

''I'm happy to see everybody sing with me,'' Suzanne, known for her hilarious off-the-point comments in variety shows, said after singing in front of several hundred people a promotional song for Kumamoto that she produced.

''Next time I hope to perform in many locations outside Kumamoto,'' she said during the event at Kumamoto Castle.

The 23-year-old celebrity whose real name is Sae Yamamoto has worked to promote tourism and delicacies in Kumamoto since being appointed as a PR woman by the local government in 2008.

The Mainichi Daily News
March 25, 2010

"Daisuki, Kumamoto!" (We Love Kumamoto the Best!)
Suzanne sings, "Kumamoto yokatoko bai. (Kumamoto is a very good place to live.) Zehi kite hoshikato bai. (We'd like you to come.)

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